TitleSearcher would like to welcome Cleveland County, Arkansas. Jimmy Cummings is the Circuit Clerk. Images and Indexes are available from January 1st, 2009 - Present. more news
County Name Register Name Deeds Valid Indexes Valid Images Valid
ARKANSAS Sarah Merchant 01/01/1996 - Present 01/01/1996 - Present 02/02/2005 - Present
ASHLEY Vickie R Stell 12/01/1969 - Present 12/01/1969 - Present 01/01/2010 - Present
BAXTER Canda Reese 01/01/1981 - Present 01/01/1981 - Present 01/01/2007 - Present
BRADLEY Cindy Wagnon 04/28/2009 - Present 01/01/2010 - Present 01/01/2010 - Present
CHICOT Josephine Griffin 1963-01-01 1963-01-01 1963-01-01
CLEBURNE Heather Smith Court Records Only Court Records Only Court Records Only
CLEVELAND Brandy Herring January 1st 1955 - Present January 1st 2009 - Present January 1st 2009 - Present
CRAWFORD Sharon L. Blount-Baker 01/01/1984 - Present 01/01/1984 - Present 01/01/2005 - Present
DALLAS Dori Keeton 01/01/1998 - Present 01/01/1998 - Present 01/01/1998 - Present
DESHA Kristin Christmas Court Records Only Court Records Only Court Records Only
FULTON Vickie Bishop 03/22/1982 - Present 05/06/1889 - Present 05/06/1889 - Present
GREENE Lesa Gramling 1876-05-10 - Present 1978-07-05 - Present 1876-05-10 - Present
INDEPENDENCE Greg Wallis 01/03/1967 - Present 01/03/1967 - Present 11/01/2010 - Present
JOHNSON Monica King 01/01/2002 -Present 01/21/1839 - Present 01/21/1839 -Present
MADISON Tiffany McDaniel 01/01/1964 - Present 01/01/1995 - Present 01/01/1995 - Present
SEARCY Jeffrey Cotton 01/01/2001 - Present 11/07/2011 - Present 11/07/2011 - Present
SHARP Alisha Black 0000-00-00 0000-00-00 0000-00-00
STONE Angie Hudspeth-Wade 05/01/1972 - Present 01/17/2012 - Present 01/17/2012 - Present
VANBUREN Debbie Gray 11/01/1914 - Present 11/15/1971 - Present 11/15/1971 - Present
WHITE Sara Brown Carlton 1885 to present 01/01/1998 - Present 01/01/1998 - Present
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