TitleSearcher would like to welcome Cleveland County, Arkansas. Jimmy Cummings is the Circuit Clerk. Images and Indexes are available from January 1st, 2009 - Present. more news
County Name Register Name Deeds Valid Indexes Valid Images Valid
AIKEN Judith Warner 10/05/1965 - Present 01/04/1982 - Present 06/01/2005 - Present
BERKELEY Cynthia B Forte 07/01/1983 - Present 07/01/1983 - Present 07/01/1983 - Present
CALHOUN Lakeisha S. Moorer 12/15/1994 - Present 08/18/2004 - Present 08/18/2004 - Present
DORCHESTER Margaret Bailey 10/19/1992 - Present 10/19/1992 - Present 10/19/1992 - Present
LANCASTER Brittany Grant 10/03/1978 - Present 1986 - Present 08/28/2002 - Present
LAURENS Lynn W. Lancaster 07/01/1991 - Present 06/01/1996 - Present 02/01/2004 - Present
SPARTANBURG Dorothy Earle 01/01/1970 - Present 01/01/1970 - Present 01/01/1970 - Present
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